Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 8/2/16
I’m a day late with this week’s recommended reading in light of a weekend trip to Chicago to present a shoulder seminar and catch a game at Wrigley Field.
I’m back in town and fired up for a good week of content, starting with these good finds from around the ‘net:
Building Bridges: Leveraging Your Employer to Enhance Your Personal Brand – This was an excellent guest post by Cressey Sports Performance coach Tony Bonvechio for my business partner Pete’s blog. We strongly encourage our staff members to build their own personal brands under our roof, and this talks about the how and why.
EC on the Aggressive Strength Podcast – I joined Mike Mahler on his podcast, and we talked a lot about strength development and powerlifting, particularly with respect to the deadlift.
5 Steps to Building Better Athletes – I loved this piece from Mike Robertson. It’s “necessarily general,” but still wildly important for coaches to understand.
Top Instagram Post of the Week: