Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 9/3/18
Happy Labor Day! I hope you’re enjoying a long weekend with family and friends. In case you get a few quite minutes to catch up on some reading and listening, here are some good things to check out:
International Youth Conditioning Association High School Strength and Conditioning Certification – I was one of the contributors on this resource, and it’s on sale for $100 off using the coupon code HSSCSFLASH through Tuesday at midnight.
9 Ways to Help People Change While Staying Within Your Scope – I thought Krista Scott-Dixon did an excellent job with this article for Precision Nutrition. As she notes, sometimes, the line between “coach” and “therapist” gets very blurred.
Stacey Hardin on Purposeful Collaboration in Pro Sports – I loved this podcast from Mike Robertson, who interviewed Stacey Hardin of the Minnesota United soccer club. There was some great information on how sports medicine teams should collaborate for the best care for the athletes they serve.
Forget About Squat Depth – This was an excellent JL Holdsworth article about why squat depth should be individualized to each lifter.
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