Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 9/30/14
This week’s recommended reading is a day late in light of my travels, but fortunately, I’ve got some good content to make up for my tardiness. Here you go!
Contagious: Why Things Catch On – I listened to this audio book from Jonah Berger on my ride down to FL in early September, and really enjoyed it. If you like Chip and Dan Heath’s writing, you’ll like Berger’s, too.
The Return of the Oriole Way – I’m a big Buck Showalter fan. I think his preparation and leadership is very admirable, and every guy I’ve ever trained has raved about how we’ll he’s prepared his team. This article delves into how his approach – and Dan Duquette’s effective work as GM – helped to get the Orioles to where they are.
Fitness and Menstrual Health – Dr. Spencer Nadolsky presents a comprehensive look at a topic that has a significant influence on how our female readers feel, look, and perform. I especially like the fact that he differentiated between “energy deficit” and “nutrient deficiency” as causes.