Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: Epic HPH Sale Edition

About the Author: Eric Cressey

With The High Performance Handbook on sale for the first time ever this week ($50 off), I’ve been doing a lot of guest blogging and interviews for other sites to spread the word. If you’re looking for a few hours worth of reading and listening, look no further!

Guest Posts from Me

6 Exercise Upgrades for Better Results – Written for Adam Bornstein’s Blog

6 Lower-Body Exercises that Won’t Make Your Athletes Sore During the Season – Written for the Athletes Acceleration Blog.

Building Multi-Directional Strength and Power – Written for Bret Contreras’ Blog

You’re Invincible…Until You’re Not – Written for Luka Hocevar’s Blog

8 Strategies that Took My Deadlift to the Next Level – Written for Dean Somerset’s Blog

Understanding and Managing Joint Hypermobility – Written for Jen Sinkler’s Blog

Reversing an Extension Posture – Written for the IYCA Blog.

One Thing You Probably Haven’t Considered About Healthy Shoulders – Written for Jon Goodman’s Blog.

Hip Pain in Athletes: What’s the Scoop? – Written for Rick Kaselj’s Blog.

5 Training Strategies to Avoid Shoulder Pain – Written for Jordan Syatt’s Blog.


In the Trenches with Mike Robertson (Baseball and Business Focus)

The Fitcast with Kevin Larrabee (Training and Business)

Posts about The High Performance Handbook

Tony Gentilcore wrote up two great posts about the HPH program HERE and HERE.

 Click here for more information on The High Performance Handbook.

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