Strength Exercise of the Week: 1-arm Band Rotational Row with Weight Shift
This week’s strength exercise is one I learned from Dave Schmitz of Dave’s the “go-to” guy out there when it comes to training with resistance bands, and he has a knack for coming up with innovative exercises with minimal equipment. This is one such example that we’ve been utilizing more and more in the strength and conditioning programs we write.
The beauty of the weight shift is that it adds an extensive decelerative component to the exercise and allows us to integrate scapular control in whole body movement the way it occurs in athletics. It also allows us to get a better training effect with less resistance.
I like utilizing this with our pitchers because it educates them on how to “get long” out front (improve trunk tilt at ball release) and stiffen up on the front leg at the right time. The eccentric overload created by the band serves as a good reminder to not get lazy and go to mush on the front side.
This can also be utilized in group training settings when you want a compound exercise that folks of many different strength levels can utilize. Simply stepping closer to the band attachment point can reduce the resistance and make it appropriate for a weaker participant without having to change the load.
The exercise can be done with a cable as well, but I just don’t think that the weight shift component works quite as smoothly in the cable scenario.
In terms of progressions, we typically teach the standing 1-arm cable row first to all our clients and athletes, as it educates them on proper interaction of the scapula and humerus during rowing. This is an exercise we’d consider adding into strength and conditioning programs after the first 4-8 weeks of working with a client. It’s usually done either first in the training session as a power exercise, or later in the session for higher reps.
Give it a shot!
Also, if you’re interested in checking out more of Dave’s innovative exercises, be sure to visit, as he’s one of my co-contributors to the site and adds great content each month.
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