Strength and Conditioning Webinars

About the Author: Eric Cressey

In place of our normal “Random Friday Thoughts” blog, I just wanted to use today as an announcement of something I think is really cool, convenient, and forward-thinking.

Anthony Renna has done a great job with the Strength Coach Podcasts, and now he’s taken it a step further with the introduction of the Strength and Conditioning Webinars.  As the name implies, a webinar is a seminar done on the web.  So, you view a speaker’s Powerpoint presentation while he does the voice-over on it.

It’s super-convenient for presenters because we don’t have to travel anywhere to give it, and we can deliver it while in our boxer shorts and beat-up old t-shirts.  And, it’s convenient for the audience for that exact same reason, but also because it’s a bit of a lower price point (no facility rental fees to cover) and because it’s convenient as heck.  You can watch it at your convenience and don’t have to be there “live” – and you can rewind to listen to it again if there is something that doesn’t quite make sense.


Essentially, Anthony has addressed a lot of the shortcomings of traditional seminars – yet still brings together a bunch of great minds.  Thus far, he’s recorded webinars with Mike Boyle, Alwyn Cosgrove, Tim Vagen, and Tim Yuhas.  In the future, you’ll see folks like Gray Cook, Mike Robertson, Mike Reinold, Lee Burton, me, and a whole bunch of other super-talented and smart strength and conditioning coaches, physical therapists, aned athletic trainers.

If you look around, most webinars are going for $25-30 each.   Conversely, Anthony is  only charging $29.99/month for a membership to   It’s even cheaper if you pay up front for the year!

Even better, if you sign up before Monday, June 8, you can get an unbelievable deal- only $19.99 a month for as long as you are a member, or again, even cheaper  if you sign up for the whole year- only $199.

You’ll get two webinars a month guaranteed from the world’s top coaches, bonus webinars, and access to presenter forums, all for $19.99 a month.

This is seriously a great deal and it is truly a one-time offer.  After June 8, the price goes up.

So go to, sign up for the Special Pre-Launch Offer before June 8 and start watching webinars right away.
