Stuff You Should Read: 1/11/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

We’re back on track with our next list of recommended reading.  Here are some things worth checking out:

13 Tips for Fitness Blogging Success – I know a lot of you have blogs of your own, and I’d encourage all of you to check out this great collection of advice from Mike Robertson.  A lot of it parallels exactly what I’ve tried to do with

Never Eat Alone – This is one of the better business books I’ve ever read, as it focuses a ton on how to build and maintain a network in the business world.  I came across the title in some reading I was doing the other day, and it reminded me of just how much it has helped me since I read it in March of 2007.


Vanilla Pumpkin Pie: Best Smoothie Yet? – Another great shake recipe from Brian St. Pierre.

Dude does a face plate into a bunch of iron after a one-rep max deadlift attempt – Okay, I gave this one away.  It was too good to not repost.

Sorry, dude.  That’s what you get for celebrating like a weenie.
