Stuff You Should Read: 4/27/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here are some reading recommendations for the week:

Q&A: Partial Knee Meniscectomy – Here is a great blog from Mike Robertson about training modifications for those who have had a portion of the meniscus removed.  Mike’s a brilliant knee guy (definitely check out Bulletproof Knees if you haven’t already).  Stick around Mike’s site and read a bit; he’s been kicking out some great content lately.

bpkAre You Inflamed? – This is a good one on the nutrition side of things from Mike Roussell.

What Makes Roy Run? – This was an awesome article about Roy Halladay from a few weeks ago in Sports Illustrated.  To be blunt, a ton of professional baseball pitchers are lazy, one-trick ponies who rely on natural talent and don’t work hard to fulfill their potential.  Halladay is an exception to that rule: a guy who has worked incredibly hard to become arguably the best pitcher in the game.  This is a tremendously well-written and entertaining piece about the path he took and how he deserves every bit of success that comes his way.  Phillies fans are lucky to have him.
