Stuff You Should Read: 4/25/11
To kick off the week, here’s a quick rundown of things you might like to read (or watch):
The 5 Most Common Deadlift Mistakes – I published this blog at Men’s Health last week, and thought I’d give you a heads-up on it. It’s a good tag-along to the FREE video I provide HERE on how to deadlift (you can also subscribe in the opt-in box at the bottom of this blog to get access).
Does Hip Range of Motion Correlate to Low Back Pain? Maybe Not in Everyone – This is a good post from Mike Reinold that talks about how research on the topic can be tough, and that rotational sport athletes and sedentary folks need to be considered differently.
Anti-Rotation Sled Dragging – Here’s an innovative core exercise from Jim “Smitty” Smith utilizing the sled for your strength and conditioning program.
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