Stuff You Should Read: 6/13/11

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Here’s some recommended reading to kick off your week:

How to Use Less Plastic – While he was working with us at Cressey Performance, Brian St. Pierre really did a good job of bringing to light the problems with using a lot of plastic in packing and storing one’s healthy food options.  In this post, he talks about how to reduce the amount of plastic you use.

The Difference Between the Location of Symptoms and the Source of Dysfunction – This Mike Reinold blog highlights how the site of the pain isn’t always the origin of that pain.

Value: The Key Ingredient to Fitness Business Success – Pat Rigsby really “gets it” when it comes to building fitness business up the right way, and posts like this show exactly why. I know a lot of fitness professionals read this blog, and this is must-read material for all of you.

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