Stuff You Should Read: 7/6/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

In continuing with last week’s trend of “reincarnating” good stuff from the archives, here is some old, but once-again-new flavor for you.

Who Needs Percentages? – This blog discusses why I don’t think that using a ton of percentages in your training is a good idea – even if it does have its place here and there.

The Art of the Deload – In the percentages blog, I referenced my e-book, The Art of the Deload.  As I think about it, this resource really flew under the radar.  Not to toot my own horn, but I think that at just $12.99, it’s a tremendous value that just about everyone would be wise to read.  Effectively, it gives you the information you need to modify programs to fit your needs based on a number of factors (age, training history, etc.).


The Great Eight Reasons for Basketball Mobility Training – Here’s a little background on the difference between mobility and stability, plus a rationale for the inclusion of both in this remarkably underserved (and sometimes uninterested!) population.
