Stuff You Should Read: 5/7/10

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Some entertainment and some education for this week:

A Look Inside the CP Staff Lift – Tony Gentilcore wrote up a great blog about our Thursday staff training sessions at CP for this month, including several videos that serve as evidence of the brutality.

Stopping Youth Sports Injuries – It was nice to see this feature at  I think it’s great that they are getting big names involved in the “fight” against early sport specialization.

Does Reaching Behind the Back Reflect the Actual Internal Rotation of the Shoulder? – This is a great blog post from Mike Reinold that expands on some of the concepts we covered in our Optimal Shoulder Performance DVD set.


Also, don’t forget that today is the last day to get the $20 early-bird discount on The Single-Leg Solution.  Don’t miss out; the introductory price ends tonight at midnight.
