Stuff You’ll LOVE to Read: Valentine’s Day Edition

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Sappy title, huh?  Well, the truth is that people around the world will spend loads of money on flowers that will die in the next week – so we’ll carry that theme forward with today’s list of recommended reading.  Check these out:

White Sox, Brewers Lead Injury Prevention Parade – A big thanks goes out to Mike Stare, DPT for sending this article my way.  It’s always good to see quantifiable evidence of just how bad injuries in major league baseball have gotten.  One really important thing to consider is that man games (and money) lost to injuries doesn’t always paint a true picture of how effective a team’s medical staff is.  Teams with good medical staffs are more likely to sign better players in spite of pre-existing injuries (the 2009 Red Sox signed John Smoltz, Billy Wagner, and Brad Penny when they were all coming off surgery, for instance), so they’ll understandably have higher rates in spite of the fact that they’re doing a lot of things really well.  Muddy waters, indeed.

Smith Machine Salaries – Speaking of wasteful spending, this post is about two years old and is very, very sad, but true.  I’m sure it’s even worse nowadays.

Baseball Showcases: A Great Way to Waste Money and Get Injured – This is timely on a number of fronts, as there are loads of showcases going on right now.  Many of the participants are kids who haven’t even picked up a baseball since last August, yet they’re throwing full speed in front of radar guns.  Sad.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone; try not to think about all the money you spent on flowers!

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