The Best of 2011: Product Reviews

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’ve already featured the top articles at from 2011, and now it’s time to highlight the top product reviews I did at this site in the last year.

1. Metabolic Cooking – This was the most popular product review I did on the year for a very simple reason: everybody needs to eat!  And, the folks reading this site prefer to eat “clean” – and Dave Ruel did a great job of making this easier and tastier with an outstanding recipe book to which I still refer every week.  I made two posts about the product:

Metabolic Cooking: Making it Easier to Eat Clean with Healthy Food Options
A Must-Try Recipe – and My Chubby 4th Grade Pics! (this is the best chicken fingers recipe in history; try it!)

2. Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body – This was the sequel to the popular lower-body product that was released by Rick Kaselj et al. in 2010.  I went through and highlighted each presenters contributions to the product via four posts:

Muscle Imbalances Revealed Review – Upper: Part 1 (Dean Somerset)
Muscle Imbalances Revealed Review – Upper: Part 2 (Dr. Jeff Cubos)
Muscle Imbalances Revealed Review – Upper: Part 3 (Tony Gentilcore and Rick Kaselj)

3. Lean Hybrid Muscle – As the review below will demonstrate, this program offered me a nice change of pace from my “normal” training when I needed to shake things up earlier this year.  It’s a nice follow-up to Show and Go.  Here’s my review:

How I’m Breaking Out of My Training Rut: The Lean Hybrid Muscle Strength and Conditioning Program

4. Post-Rehab Essentials – Based on the fact that Dean Somerset has now gotten two shout-outs in my top product reviews of 2011, you might think that I have somewhat of a man-crush on him.  The truth is that I think Dean relates complex terms in simple terms and “teaches” about as well as anyone in the fitness industry.  Check out this post that touches on why his product has merit:

4 Reasons You Must Understand Corrective Exercise and Post-Rehab Training

There were certainly some other great products I encountered this year, but these four reviews proved to be the most popular with my readers, based on hosting statistics.

We’ll be back soon with the top features of 2011.

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