The Best of 2015: Product Reviews
To wrap up my “Best of 2015″ series, I’ll highlight the top product reviews I did at this site in the last year. Here they are:
1. Advanced Core Training – Dean Somerset has established himself as a go-to resource for those with low back pain – and those looking to avoid it. This product is an excellent resource for trainers, rehabilitation specialists, and end-users. CSP coach Tim Geromini and I collaborated on a review: 10 Random Thoughts on Core Stability Training.
2. Physical Preparation 101 – Mike Robertson introduced this great look into his training systems back in June, and Tim Geromini and I again collaborated on a two-part review. Check out Part 1 and Part 2.
3. Elite Swing Mechanics – Bobby Tewksbary’s hitting e-book was very popular in the baseball community, and I really enjoyed it, too. Check out this great guest post from him: What Albert Pujols Taught Me About Swing Mechanics.
4. The Elite Athlete Development Seminar 2.0 – This seminar from Mike Robertson and Joe Kenn is a must-watch for up-and-coming strength and conditioning coaches. The two guys have combined experience in the private sector and college and professional sports, and it leads to an outstanding comprehensive education. Mike and I put our heads together to come up with this installment of Random Thoughts on Sports Performance to celebrate this product’s release.
There were certainly some other great products I encountered this year, but these four proved to be the most popular with my readers.
On a related note, you may have noticed that I didn’t introduce any new products of my own in 2015. I was very focused on being a father to my one-year-old twin daughters, building Cressey Sports Performance – Florida, and serving as the strength and conditioning coach for the gold-medal winning 18U World Cup USA Baseball team. This one-year “gap” has given me some great ideas that will result in 2-3 product releases this year, so keep an eye out.
In the meantime, have a safe and happy new year. Thanks for all your support in 2015!