The Best of 2015: Strength and Conditioning Videos
With my last post, I kicked off the “Best of 2015” series with my top articles of the year. Today, we’ll highlight the top five videos of the year. These videos only include instructional videos, not quick exercise demonstrations.
1. Avoid this Common Wall Slide Mistake – I’m a huge fan of wall slides for teaching good scapular upward rotation. Check out this video to see if you’re making a common mistake on this front:
2. Steer Clear of this “Shoulder Health” Exercise – Continuing with the shoulder theme, here’s a drill I don’t particularly like. The good news is that I propose a suitable alternative.
3. Serratus Anterior Activation: Reach, Round, and Rotate – This video covers some of our common coaching cues for a different variation of wall slides than featured in video #1.
4. 3 Back to Wall Shoulder Flexion Cues – This drill is both a great training exercise and an assessment. With the right cueing, you can clean the pattern up pretty quickly, in most cases.
5. Exercise of the Week: Split-Stance Anti-Rotation Medicine Ball Scoop Toss – This is one of my favorite medicine ball exercises for early on in training progressions.
I’ll be back soon with the top guest posts of 2015!