The Best of 2017: Strength and Conditioning Articles
With 2017 winding down, I’m using this last week of the year to direct you to some of the most popular content of the past 12 months at EricCressey.com, as this “series” has been quite popular over the past few years. Today, we start with the most popular articles of the year; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics.
1. Less Sickness for Better Results – The most important training goal should always be consistency, and getting sick is a big roadblock to that consistent training effect.
2. 5 Reasons to Use “Fillers” in Your Training Programs – “Fillers” are an awesome way for getting in more quality work in your training sessions. This article details the “why” and “how” of their incorporation in strength and conditioning programs.
3. Making Sense of Exercise Contraindications – If we just looked at MRIs, we could find a reason to contraindicate just about every exercise for just about every person. We need to dig a lot deeper to figure out which exercises are right for each person, though.
4. Simplified Shoulder Solutions – Don’t making keeping shoulders any more complex than it needs to be. This article discusses how to “dumb things down” on this front.
5. 10 More Important Notes on Assessments – This one just went up recently, but got a lot of love in the short time it’s been available. I guess folks can never get enough on quality assessments.
I’ll be back soon with another “Best of 2017” feature. Up next, the top videos of the year!