The Best of 2018: Product Reviews

About the Author: Eric Cressey

To wrap up my “Best of 2018″ series, I’ll highlight the top product reviews I did at this site in the last year. Here they are:

1. Complete Youth TrainingThis was Mike Boyle’s great new resource for those who work with young athletes. He touched on everything from the problems with early specialization to age-specific training stages. It’s a good investment for parents and coaches alike. I loved how his perspective as a parent coalesced with his commentary as a strength and conditioning coach and business owner.  Since it was the most popular product I reviewed this year, I reached out to Mike to see if he’d be up for running a quick promo sale for my readers, and he kindly agreed. From now through January 4, you can get $50 off on the resource. No coupon code is needed; just head HERE.

It inspired this blog I wrote: Strength in the Teenage Years: An Overlooked Long-Term Athletic Development Competitive Advantage.

2. The Culture CodeThis new book from Dan Coyle was one of my favorite reads of the year. Dan’s become a friend over the years, so I was able to get him to do an interview here at when the book was released: Coyle on Culture.

3. Bought InBrett Bartholomew is an outstanding strength and conditioning coach who has taken a huge interest in the art of “getting through” to athletes. In this course, he outlines a lot of great strategies for building rapport with athletes. Brett authored a guest post for this site as well: 5 Quick Tips to Enhance Coach-Athlete Communication.

Also in 2018, I released a product of my own that was a long time in the making: Sturdy Shoulder Solutions. This resource includes close to seven hours of webinars and lab sections on everything upper extremity. 

We’re back to the regular content this week. Thanks for all your support in 2018! We’ve got some great stuff planned for 2019.

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