The Best of 2020: Podcasts

About the Author: Eric Cressey

We launched the Elite Baseball Development Podcast in 2019, but 2020 was the first full year we had it available. In all, we released 41 episodes in 2020 – and I learned a ton from some great guests. That said, here are our top five episodes from the year:

1. Optimizing Rotational Power with Dr. Greg RoseGreg talks about evaluating and training rotational power across multiple sports. We also delve into programming and coaching strategies, and long-term athletic development in different athletic populations.

2. Mobility Methods with Dana SantasDana speaks about how to fine-tune methods of improving mobility. She also highlights common mistakes baseball players make when implementing yoga.

3. Helping Hitters to Higher Ground with Doug LattaDoug contributes some great thoughts on hitting set-up, mechanics, and approach.

4. Speed Training in Baseball with Lee Taft – Lee discusses baseball movement competencies and how to coach them. CSP-MA Director of Performance John O’Neil takes the lead as a guest host.

5. Tackling Controversial Throwing Topics with Mike ReinoldIn this episode, Mike and I take on two controversial topics in the world of managing throwers: the sleeper stretch and weighted baseballs. Mike and I collaborate to discuss whether they belong in your training and rehabilitation programs, and if so, how?

We’re back to the regular content this upcoming week. Thanks for all your support in 2020! We’ve got some great stuff planned for 2021.
