The Best of 2021: Strength and Conditioning Videos
With my last post, I kicked off the “Best of 2021” series with my top articles of the year. Today, we’ll highlight the top five videos of the year.
1. Cross-Behind 1-arm Cable Row with Alternate Arm Reach – Courtesy of the imagination of Cressey Sports Performance – Florida co-founder Shane Rye, the cross-behind 1-arm cable row is a new horizontal pulling variation we’ve been using quite a bit in 2021. I elaborated on why that’s the case here.
2. Band-Assisted Vertical Jump – Drew Cobin authored a great guest post on where this can fit into a power training program; check it out here.
3. 1-arm, 1-leg Kettlebell Swing with Rack Assistance – Published just lack week with an assist from CSP coach Josh Kuester, this one became an instant hit. Learn more about it here.
4. Prone External Rotation End-Range Lift-off to Internal Rotation – Many rotator cuff exercises focus on building strength/motor control/timing in positions that aren’t specific to the throwing motion, but this one forces overhead athletes to be proficient in positions that really matter.
5. Understanding and Measuring Passive Range of Motion – Measuring passive range of motion is a crucial step in any thorough movement assessment. However, it’s often – both intentionally and unintentionally – measured inappropriately.
I’ll be back soon with the top podcasts of 2021!