The Best of 2012: Strength and Conditioning Articles

About the Author: Eric Cressey

With 2012 winding down, I’ll be dedicating this week to the best content of the year, based on traffic volume at I’ll kick it off today with my most popular articles from the past year.

1. 5 Reasons You Have Tight Hamstrings – This article received about 24,000 more views than the next most popular post of the year. I guess a lot of people have tight hamstrings!

2. Are Pull-ups THAT Essential? – People love controversy, and when you call into question the risk/reward of one of the most sacred strength training exercises of all time, that’s exactly what you get!

3. The Superset Survival Guide – This article, which featured my “Top 10 Supersets,” got a ton of Facebook shares and Retweets.

4. Everything You Need to Know About the Front Squat – This article was published less than a month ago, but already shot up to the top five, which isn’t easy to do!

5. 6 Tips for Adjusting to Exercise in the Morning – Early morning exercise might not be your cup of tea, but with some of these tips, it very well could be in 2013!

This wraps up my top 5 posts of 2012, but I’ll be back soon with more “Best of” highlights from 2012. Next up, I’ll list my top videos of the year.
