The Cat’s Out of the Bag: New Product on the Way!

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Today’s post won’t be too lengthy, but I’m still pretty psyched to make it. You see, I’ve got a new product on the way, and I’m really excited about it.

I can’t get into too much detail on it (especially since there are still some loose ends to tie up), but I will say this: if you liked Maximum Strength, then you’re going to LOVE this.

My goal was for this program to become the most versatile strength and conditioning resource available – meaning that with a few adjustments (which I lay out), it could work for a wide variety of people, with different genders, goals, training schedules, training experience, and equipment access.

Based on the initial feedback from the guinea pigs” I put through the program, it’s done more than just work; they’ve thrived.

There will certainly be more details to come as we approach the product’s release on September 20.  In the meantime, I’ll just encourage you to subscribe to my FREE newsletter (below), if you haven’t already.  My subscribers will be the first to hear about the product when it goes “live.”


Have a great weekend!
