The Mainstream Media Lag

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I’ve gotten several emails over the past week from folks who read the following article in the New York Times:

Stretching: The Truth

You know what the questions were? I’ll tell you (paraphrased):

“Didn’t you already talk about this in your Magnificent Mobility DVD?”

Yes, as a matter of fact; we did. And, the MM DVD was filmed in November of 2005.

You know what else? With just a cursory glance at our references from peer-reviewed journals for MM, I found two separate studies supporting these facts from – believe it or not – 1999.

Sorry, folks; the New York Times is far from revolutionary. This news is at least nine years old – and even older when you consider that there were guys in the trenches experimenting with dynamic flexibility for decades before the research even came to fruition.

This same “delay” kicked in about a year ago when everyone went crazy when we finally “discovered” in the mainstream media that lactic acid was not the cause of muscular fatigue. I actually first heard this in 2004 back in a Muscle Physiology class in graduate school at the University of Connecticut. This review by Robergs et al. at the University of New Mexico was what opened a lot of people’s eyes.
