The Most Detailed Maximum Strength Feedback To-Date

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I received this email from Kevin Miller, a high school strength and conditioning coach in Pennsylvania, who recently completed the Maximum Strength program:

I recently completed the 16 week Maximum Strength program by Eric Cressey, and I wanted to give my review on the program. I am 37 years old. I played H.S football and baseball and had good strength and speed. From 1995-2004 I switched gears and became an Endurance athlete (marathons and Iromans). I had great endurance and could run forever but I went from probably a 28-29 inch vertical to probably a 19-20 inch vertical.

Over the past few years I have jumped back and forth from endurance to strength programs. I saw results in both but I never stuck to one program. Two years ago I purchased Inside-Out by Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman. I thought it was a great program, so I started to read more about Mike, and in turn, Eric – and was instantly impressed with what he had to say, as I’m a volunteer sports performance coach at the high school where I teach. Over the past year I have read his articles and watched his DVDs, so, when Max Strength came out I was hooked and decide to STICK to a program. Below are my results (Pre and Post)


BW                               146 lbs                                                 151 lbs

Broad Jump                88 inches                                         94 inches (6 inches)

Bench Press                 195                                                      220 (25 lbs)

Box Squat                    255                                                      325 (70 lbs)

Deadlift                        275                                                      315 (40 lbs)

Three rep Chin up        BW + 44 lbs                                       BW + 58 lbs (19 lbs)


Overall, I was very pleased with the results. As far as BW, I was happy to gain 5 lbs, to be honest. I am a father with two kids and a third on the way. I never get to slow down. After school (I trained in the morning before school), I’m in the weight room with high school kids for 2 hrs (boys and girls). Although I am not “training,” I probably do 100 body weight squats plus several other movements because the kids need to see what I’m recommending.

Physically although I only gained 5 lbs I look bigger, but not bulky – just thicker and more athletic

Overall, out of a rating of 10. I would give this program a 10. Here is why:

1. If you follow it, you will get STRONGER. The book is MAXIMUM strength, and it does what it says it does.

2. I feel really strong. Before, I had decent strength, but now I just feel a lot stronger

3. The mobility part is excellent. I knew what to expect here since I have several of Eric’s products but this is where so many people can benefit (especially high school kids). I never stretched a day in my life in hs. Now, I would never start a workout with doing mobility work.

4. As a coach, I became a better coach by doing this program. Plain and simple, I now know how it feels to get under the bar with 325 lbs on my back. I realize that’s a warm-up for some people but for me at 150 lbs it’s a lot.

5. The progressions are excellent.

6. Nutritionally, there is some great advice in the book. To be honest, I think I’ve always had a good diet but for anyone who doesn’t there are some great points.

Who can benefit from this book?

1. Any high school kid or “Mom/Dad” looking for strength and results.

2. Any high schools coach (football, track, hockey,etc). As much as we would like to “customize programs” for each athlete, it’s impossible at the high school level. I train 50-60 kids at 3 pm, and at my school, I don’t have the time, manpower, or money to make up individual programs. Sure, I can screen kids and put in groups, but I believe if high school kids followed this for 16 weeks, it would be better than 95% of the program they are currently following

Favorite exercises I never did before I read this book:

  1. Rack pulls: I loved the feeling I got in my posterior chain
  2. Pallof Press: Much harder than it looks
  3. Anderson squats: I loved this type of front squat.

Overall, great book, and if you follow this program, you will get stronger

Kevin Miller


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