The Two Year Mark

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Today marks two years to the day since Cressey Performance opened.


Looking at some relatively recent research, you’ll find that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that 34% of small business start-ups are no longer in existence two years after their inception.  So, the logical assumption is that we’re automatically more awesome than at least 1/3 of the small business world (we stole their lunch money and gave them wedgies, in fact).

Kidding aside, you don’t just start a business so that you can “not fail.”  You do it so that you can thrive – and CP has done just that.  I owe a huge thanks to our clients and staff for all their dedication to helping making CP what it is today: a place where….

…an Olympic boxer can share a stability ball with Pete in the office while getting awkwardly close to another man’s meatloaf lunch


…it’s considered perfectly acceptable to foam roll in catcher’s gear.

…ladies and 68-year-old men alike bang out pull-ups like nobody’s business.

…the average lifespan of a medicine ball is about seven minutes.


…it isn’t uncommon for old clients to come back, handcuff Tony, and leave him for dead (out of love, for the record).


Interestingly, we haven’t spent a penny on advertising over the two years; the business has grown purely by word of mouth.  Is it any wonder when you can see stuff like this almost every time you enter the facility?

Thanks again to everyone involved for making my job so fun and for sharing my vision.
