Tips for a Bigger Bench

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Not surprisingly, the writing I’ve done on bench pressing has been some of the most popular stuff I’ve put out there in recent years.  So, I’m sure a lot of you will be delighted to know that AJ Roberts just introduced his Up Your Bench resource today.

I reviewed the entire product last night, and the technique instruction is excellent – exactly what you’d expect to get if you were training with an accomplished powerlifter like AJ.  His cues and video demonstrations were spot on for increasing strength and reducing the risk of shoulder problems.  This 100% digital product includes downloadable programs, videos, and several great bonuses.

In the interest of full disclosure, AJ also includes a section on his warm-ups for bench pressing, and while I agreed with the foam rolling, I can think of much better warm-up protocols (most notably those found in the Inside-Out and Magnificent Mobility DVDs).  However, the rest of the product is solid, and if you’re not in a position to have some with AJ’s experience coach you in person, I’d highly recommend you check it out – and reap the benefits of healthy shoulders and bigger benching numbers.

Oh, did I mention that AJ is not just some pencil-necked internet weenie?  He is one strong SOB!
