Finally, the truth is revealed and you can fully grasp one of the most misunderstood and controversial aspects of the fitness industry…

Finally, the truth is revealed and you can fully grasp one of the most misunderstood and controversial aspects of the fitness industry…

Unstable surface training has taken the world of fitness and strength and conditioning by storm. Everywhere you go, you’ll find wobble boards, foam pads, full and half-dome stability balls, and inflatable rubber discs dictating the way people exercise.

However, there has been very little research done to validate or refute the use of these implements in healthy, trained populations. Trainers, coaches, therapists, and ordinary weekend warriors have essentially been flying blind when they use these implements. That is, until now!

The Truth About Unstable Surface Training is the culmination of more than three years of intensive study, research, experimentation, and analysis on my part – combined with my “in the trenches” observations as a competitive athlete myself. Effectively, with this e-book, I’ve outlined and then translated the research to the real-world so that fitness professionals and exercisers can understand how to effectively integrate (or omit) unstable surface training in their programs.

Unstable surface training has taken the world of fitness and strength and conditioning by storm. Everywhere you go, you’ll find wobble boards, foam pads, full and half-dome stability balls, and inflatable rubber discs dictating the way people exercise.

However, there has been very little research done to validate or refute the use of these implements in healthy, trained populations. Trainers, coaches, therapists, and ordinary weekend warriors have essentially been flying blind when they use these implements. That is, until now!

The Truth About Unstable Surface Training is the culmination of more than three years of intensive study, research, experimentation, and analysis on my part – combined with my “in the trenches” observations as a competitive athlete myself. Effectively, with this e-book, I’ve outlined and then translated the research to the real-world so that fitness professionals and exercisers can understand how to effectively integrate (or omit) unstable surface training in their programs.

What You’ll Learn in The Truth About Unstable Surface Training:

  • The origins of unstable surface training

  • The problems with research-to-date on unstable surface training, and why you’ve been mislead
  • The difference between balance and stability
  • The five factors affecting one’s stability, and how you can modify them to become a more stable athlete

  • How unstable surfaces alter muscular recruitment patterns – and how you can use those alterations to your advantage or disadvantage

  • The actual science – and research data – that quantifiably justifies or refutes specific uses of unstable surface training

  • Guidelines for when and how to implement unstable surface training to maximize training efficiency and help you avoid wasting time and effort
  • How unstable surface training can help or hinder performance in different athletes
  • How unstable surfaces can increase the risk of injury in some populations, while actually rehabilitating others
  • Guidelines for alternative, more sport-specific instability approaches when unstable surface training is not the best avenue to pursue
  • 21 different stability progression models encompassing over 50 exercises with photos and descriptions
  • How to train balance for maximum functional carryover and superior athletic performance
  • All in all, you get the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, and HOW: everything you could possibly want to know about unstable surface training.

Order The Truth About Unstable Surface Training
e-book for just $39.99 using our 100% Secure Server

If you are a personal trainer, just think of what $39.99 is: far less than the cost of a single session with one of your clients!  When you think about what you’re getting – a lifetime of instability training exercise progressions for your clients – this e-book is an investment in your professional success, not an expense.  Just ask Matt McGorry:

“This e-book is the first real objective look at unstable surface training for non-injured populations that I have ever seen. When someone comes along who doesn’t accept anecdotal evidence and industry hype as dogma, it makes a lot of people angry. This manual is going to do just that.

“Cressey uses hard facts and research to disprove what many of the so-called fitness and performance experts have been touting as gospel ever since unstable surface training first hit the market. At the same time, though, he’s objective in pointing out the merits of such training in certain circumstances, outlining dozens of extremely effective, results-based exercise variations that can be scaled to challenge anyone from the novice trainee to the elite athlete.

“If you are a fitness or sports performance professional who is interested in learning about the real world of ‘core’ and ‘functional’ training, then you absolutely must buy this manual.”

Matt McGorry
Fitness and Performance Coach – New York, NY