What Would You Like to See in 2010?

About the Author: Eric Cressey

The year 2009 was a tremendous one for this website, and I owe all of you readers a huge thanks for your contribution.

Right now, this site is ranked in the top 135,000 on the web, according to Alexa.com, one measure of a website’s popularity.  Each month, unique visitors (~25,000/month right now) and total hits (~100,000/month right now) exceed the previous month.

The one product I released this year – Assess and Correct – has already sold in dozens of countries since October.  Meanwhile, some older products are still very popular.  Maximum Strength, for instance, has a 5-star rating at Amazon.com and is holding steady just outside the top 5,000 books on the site.


This site has become a channel through which Cressey Performance has grown as well.  Not a week passes that a new client doesn’t come through our doors thanks to something they’ve read from me on the internet.

I say this not to blow sunshine up my own rear end, but rather to frame my sincere thank you to all of you for your continued support in making EricCressey.com the success it is today.  Writing has never been (and hopefully never will be) a “job” for me because I genuinely enjoy getting to look at things in detail, interact with some bright, enthusiastic readers, and (hopefully) add to the body of knowledge in the process.  So, thanks for making my “job” (if you can call it that) fun.

That said, since you, the readers, are the ones that are ultimately responsible for making this site bigger and better, I want to put the ball in your court today.  What do YOU want to read in 2010?

Would you like to see me address certain issues?  Would you rather have more guest interviews (like this)?  Product reviews (like this)?  Debunking of fitness myths (like this)?  Geeky science stuff (like this)?

How about content formatting?  Do you like the video (like this) or written features – or a combination of the two?

I respect and value your opinions and suggestions, so feel free to voice them in the comments section below.  Again, thanks for a great 2009!
