The Best of 2018: Strength and Conditioning Articles

About the Author: Eric Cressey

With 2018 winding down, I’m using this last week of the year to direct you to some of the most popular content of the past 12 months at, as this “series” has been quite popular over the past few years. Today, we start with the most popular articles of the year; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics.

1. The Study Every Trainer and Coach Should Read and UnderstandGood movement matters – and here’s the research that helps to demonstrate why.

2. How to Use the Acumobility Ball for Upper Extremity Health and Performance – I’m a huge fan of the Acumobility ball, and in this detailed video-oriented post, I discuss how we utilize it for specific work in the upper body.

3. Crossfit and Confirmation BiasWrite a blog that mentions Crossfit and get great traffic? Go figure.

4. Making Movement Better: Duct Tape or WD-40?Should you add stability or mobility to fix a problem? Give this article a read to find out.


5. Why You Shouldn’t Look Up When You LiftIt drives me bonkers to see lifters looking up at the ceiling during squats, deadlifts, and even arm care exercises. In this post, I discuss why that’s the case.

I’ll be back soon with another “Best of 2018” feature. Up next, the top videos of the year!
