Kicking off ‘Stache Bash 2010

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Retail stores have “Black Friday” and online retailers have “Cyber Monday” for their holiday sales at this time of the year – but I’ve never been one to go with tradition – or party for just a day when I can party for an entire week.  So, I created my own week-long sales event that will help to wrap up “No Shave November.”

I’m calling it ‘Stache Bash 2010 – because I’ll soon be rocking a mustache to round out the week (and drive the ladies wild).  As of right now, I’m just rocking the Circle Beard (moutee) – and while it’s not a hit with my wife, our puppy doesn’t seem to mind, as evidenced by his nap on the couch with me during football on Sunday afternoon!

Here’s how it’ll work…

  • Each day, I’ll rock a new facial hair with a new one of my products on sale at a hefty discount.
  • With each day, I’ll also provide some new content to go along with these sales promos.
  • My products will go on sale Tu (today), We, Th, Fr, Mo, and next Tu – which means that the weekend is open.  With that in mind, I’ve reached out to a few friends to see if they’d make their top-notch products available to my list at solid discounts on Sa and Su – so don’t forget to check back in over the weekend.
  • I’ve sequenced all of this so that if you do opt to purchase multiple products, they’ll ship in the most convenient and affordable way possible (i.e., Building the Efficient Athlete, Magnificent Mobility, and Assess & Correct will all be on sale together).
  • I’ll leave each item on sale for 48 hours, as I know a lot of folks are in different time zones and may read this blog a day or two late.
  • The month will wrap up with me turning in my man card to be clean shaven once again on November 30.

So, without further ado, let’s kick this sucker off with a 30% off deal on The Truth About Unstable Surface Training. This e-book has helped to clarify the role of instability training for a lot of folks in our industry, but what many people don’t realize is that it goes into great depth with respect to strength exercise progressions for training enthusiasts who may be outside the fitness profession.  You can click HERE to purchase directly or click HERE for more information.  Just enter the coupon code STACHE to apply the discount at checkout.

“I used to advise trainers and other strength professionals that they must always continue to develop themselves and continue their education by reading every book and article and attending every seminar – but I was wrong. My advice now is to be very selective with the resources you seek out and the research and products you obtain. There is so much misinformation in the fitness industry and so much junk on the internet that it’s easy to be misguided.

“So what is the right information? Without hesitation, I can say anything from Eric Cressey. His e-book, The Truth About Unstable Surface Training, is no exception. Learn how unstable surface training originated in a rehabilitative setting and led to one of the biggest controversies in the fitness industry today. I was honored to get a first look at this resources. It was not just the literature review, studies, strength exercise demonstrations and progressions that were eye-opening; it was the practical applications. As always, Eric provides a thorough explanation of complex ideas.

“If you’ve ever found yourself – or come across someone – using the term “functional training,” you absolutely must buy The Truth About Unstable Surface Training right now!

Jim Smith, CSCS
Author, Combat Core: Advanced Torso Training

Again, that coupon code is STACHE and is good through tomorrow (Wednesday) at midnight.
