Maximum Strength Feedback: June 4

About the Author: Eric Cressey

Another day, another happy Maximum Strength customer!

“Hey Eric,
Just wrapped up your Maximum Strength program and I was definitely more than pleased with the results.  I know it’s a little weird that I switched up the box height on the box squat.  I switched because the pre-MS box squat was the first time I ever performed the box squat. Here are my numbers:

Starting Numbers
Body Fat: 16%
Weight: 178 at 5’9
Bench: 215
Box Squat (24 inch box): 315
Deadlift: 330
3 RM Chin: BW+35
Broadjump: 87 in.

Ending Numbers
Body Fat: 10%
Weight: 170
Bench: 240
Box Squat (12 inch box): 325
Conventional Deadlift: 403
3RM Chin: BW+50
Broadjump: 96 in.

Thanks Eric!

Mike Coval”

Click here to find out more about the Maximum Strength program.

