
Finally… a complete performance nutrition blueprint backed by real, in the trenches experience instead of the typical cut & paste meal plans provided by most ‘online fitness gurus’ that have never been tested by real, result seeking people just like you.

This System is easy to follow with meals that are simple to prepare and enjoyably delicious. So no more guesswork – just print your Show and Go Meal Plans off and post them in your kitchen to simplify your life while you maximize your performance & results.

Just as the Show and Go Training System is a step-by-step roadmap that will guarantee your training success…I realize that some of you may need a little more “support” when it comes to nutrition.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with one of the top nutritionists in the world, Brian St. Pierre, to bring you my custom-designed Show and Go Nutrition System that you can download instantly to map out your entire nutritional plan! Brian has been a huge asset to hundreds of Cressey Performance athletes over the years, and he has loads of valuable information to share with you as well.

It’s the next best thing to having Brian as your own personal nutrition coach!