Quick Programming Strategies: 4/28/09

About the Author: Eric Cressey

I figured I’d start up a mini-series of sorts here where I discuss some of the little changes you can make to programs to get big results.

Many intermediate lifters get stuck in a middle ground with respect to heavy loading in their quest to build strength.  Obviously, they know that, as a general rule of thumb, they need to use some heavier loading at least once a week in the 1-5 rep range to build strength.  And, a lot of them (at least those who have read my stuff and other articles at T-Nation and EliteFTS) know that dynamic work – in this case, speed squats, deadlifts, and bench presses – is a great way to train bar speed and rate of force development – all while improving technique with submaximal weights.

So, here you have two separate training sessions out of the week: one for maximal loading, and the other for speed.  That said, a lot of these intermediates also are still new enough to the iron game that they can handle a bit more loading in the 85-100% range.

With that in mind, I’ll often plug in heavy “work-ups” following speed work.  So, a lifter might do eight sets of two reps on the bench press, and then work up to a heavy set of 1-3 reps after those eight sets.  This not only serves as a way to add in some extra volume in the traditional strength rep-ranges, but also allows a lifter to build in some testing to the program and continuosly monitor progress.

I’ll typically only do this 1-2 times a month, and as a general rule of thumb, it will come in a higher volume week that follows a lower volume week.  So, in my high-medium-very high-low set-up, it would take place during weeks 1 and/or 3.

For more strength building strategies like this at a great price, check out Maximum Strength.

