The Best of 2009: Videos

About the Author: Eric Cressey

This week, we’ve already covered the most popular articles and product reviews from in 2009.  Next up are the popular videos.

One of my goals for 2009 with this site was to include a lot more video content – whether it was “built in” to the text, or serving as a stand-alone content source in itself.  Here were some of the most popular ones for the year:

Correct Push-up Technique – This one got over 9,000 views in spite of the fact that I never even included it in a blog post (that I can remember).  I guess my theory that most people really need to learn how to do good push-ups was right on the money.

My 660 Deadlift – I guess lifting heavy stuff is only about 89% as cool as body weight push-ups.

Tim Collins Can Jump – Great guy, stud athlete, bright future.  Gotta’ love him.

16×16 Sled Madness – This sled masochism was popular among our staff early in the year.  There is more info on it HERE.

Rollouts: Friend or Foe – This video went hand-in-hand with this newsletter.

Anterior Core Progressions – This video was a follow-up to the previous one, and was found in this newsletter.

Measuring Hip Internal Rotation – This video was featured as part of this newsletter.

Lastly, there were a few newsletters that included a ton of video content.  Here’s my personal favorite, a follow-up from Mike Reinold and my shoulder seminar (available soon on DVD): Recap: Testing, Treating, and Training the Shoulder.

Tomorrow, we’ll cover the top guest submissions for the year at
