The Best of 2009: Product Reviews

About the Author: Eric Cressey

In my last post, we covered the most popular articles here at in 2009.  Today, we’ll cover my top product reviews of 2009.  Several of these were interviews with authors that came in light of their launch of new products.  In addition to discussion of the products, most of these have a ton of good information you won’t want to miss.

Warpspeed Fat Loss Results Part 1 and Part 2 – Technically, this was the end of 2008, but had we done a November-to-November year, it would have blown the rest of these product reviews out of the water.  The reason?  Results!  Check out the before and after pictures of one CP client who kicked some serious butt with this program.  For a lot of you who are looking to get on track with your fat loss efforts in the new year, this would be a good product to check out.

Strength and Conditioning Webinars – I think this product might be the most useful one of the year for fitness professionals, as Anthony Renna has made sure that there is awesome content coming out month after month.  It’s cheaper than traveling to seminars, and you can get educated on YOUR schedule.  I highly recommend checking it out.


The Best Baseball Resource Out There – This write-up discusses the DVDs of the 2008 Ultimate Pitching Coaches Boot Camp; I was one of eight presenters on the DVD.

Accelerated Muscular Development – This product from Jim Smith was popular among folks who’d completed the Maximum Strength program and were looking for “The Next Step.”


The Evolution of Personal Training (with Alwyn Cosgrove) – In this interview, Alwyn covers some key concepts that every fitness professional should understand.


Off-Ice Performance Training for Hockey (with Kevin Neeld) – This is an interview with Kevin that covers hockey training tips for both coaches and players.

Tomorrow, we’ll cover the most popular exclusive videos on the year.
