The Best of 2021: Strength and Conditioning Articles
With 2021 winding down, I’m using this last week of the year to direct you to some of the most popular content of the past 12 months at EricCressey.com, as this “series” has been quite popular over the past few years. Today, we start with the most popular articles of the year; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics.
1. An Overlooked Function of Serratus Anterior – If you’ve followed my work for just about any length of time, you’ve probably quickly learned that I pay a lot of attention to serratus anterior for its profound impact on upper extremity function. And, this article was no exception.
2. 3 Shoulder-Specific Programming Principles – I ran a sale on my Sturdy Shoulder Solutions resource earlier in the year, and wrote up this piece to elaborate on some principles you’ll find in that product.
3. 5 Lessons from a First-Round Draft Pick – In the 2021 Major League Baseball Draft, Cressey Sports Performance had 15 athletes selected – including three of the top 30 picks. Here are some important lessons you can learn from one of them.
4. Random Thoughts on Sports Performance Training: Medicine Ball Edition – This feature outlined some key medicine ball programming principles you can employ when designing strength and conditioning plans.
5. Thinking Beyond Diagnostic Imaging – In the past, I’ve written about the need for both “Medical” and “Movement” diagnoses. In reality, there might be a middle ground that helps to unify the two – and I discuss it in this article.
I’ll be back soon with another “Best of 2021” feature. Up next, the top videos of the year!