What Key Assets is Your Strength Training Program Missing?

About the Author: Eric Cressey

My fiancée Anna and I just got back last night from a wedding weekend (not ours) in Halifax.  We had a great time drinking Molson celebrating our friends’ big day.

Anna was a bridesmaid, so I was largely left to be an American tourist flying solo, which left a bit of time for people watching.  There weren’t any Canadian celebrities – Nelly Furtado, Gordy Howe, Michael J. Fox, or even Keanu Reeves (who was stripped of his “celebrity” status thanks to years of anti-Reeve propaganda at tonygentilcore.com) – on hand, so my attention focused on a remarkably obese woman in the hotel lobby who had a couple of yappy little dogs with her.


While I’m a big-time dog lover, frankly, at that moment, I wanted to punt these little balls of worthlessness into the nearby harbor just to quiet them down.  However, rather than doing so and getting myself deported back to the U.S., I turned my attention to these pups’ “Big Mama.”

This woman had two dogs that were obviously frantic to go outside, enjoy the sunshine, and essentially give her the perfect reason to exercise (take them for a walk).  It wasn’t happening, though.

It was like giving a young hockey player a stick and some skates – but having him refuse to use them while playing.  Or, like offering employees a corporate fitness deal, only to have them ignore it.

Undiagnosed ADD guy that I am, this really got me to thinking about how so many people out there don’t even realize that they have key resources right at-hand who could really help out on their fitness journeys.

Maybe it’s a spouse who would love to exercise with you or help you to clean up your diet?

Perhaps your gym has new equipment that you haven’t touched yet when what you really need is some variety?

Could there be a training partner at your gym right now on the same schedule at you who would be willing to give you hands-off/spots so that you can push yourself that little bit more in your weight training program to get strong?

Or, do you think it could be that you just need a new strength training program to get you out of a funk so that you’re accountable to something?

You never know unless you stop to consider this, and evaluate what’s going on around you.  Chances are that there are people, places, and things out there that’ll help get you closer to where you want to be.

Now, shouldn’t you be finding a dog to walk?

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