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Pulled Quad – or is it?

Q: How should I warm up properly before sprinting sessions? Back in the day when I did sports my quads were always prone to injuries. Funny thing is I haven't had any problems when doing squats of any kind. Recently I decided to involve some alactic work in my workout and immediately pulled a quad doing sprints. It's obviously something wrong with my warm-up! A: Saying "pulled quad" might be a little bit too general.  In reality, most of the time, you're looking at a rectus femoris strain.  While it is one of the quadriceps, the rectus femoris is also active as a hip flexor.  So, as the picture below shows, it crosses two joints.


The rectus femoris is responsible for both hip flexion and knee extension.  So, as you can imagine, it is placed on a huge stretch when an athlete goes into a position of hip extension and knee flexion - kind of like this:


You're asking the rectus femoris to go on a huge stretch there - and under very high velocities.  With a squat, you're not putting it on full stretch, as the hip and knee are both flexed.  So, with that in mind, it's not surprising at all that sprinting would bother your "quad" when squatting doesn't - especially since we know the overwhelming majority of folks out there are tight in the rectus femoris.  Why?

Well, first, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that, as a society, we sit far too much.  Second, though, is the fact that most people never really get above 90 degrees of hip flexion in anything that they do.  Mike Boyle has done a great job of outlining how we can develop imbalanced hip flexion patterns; essentially, we never use our psoas, the only hip flexor active above 90 degrees of hip flexion. The picture below is kind of rudimentary (and somewhat awkward), but it shows what I'm getting at with respect to the advantageous attachment points for psoas with respect to hip flexion above 90 degrees:


How many of the folks at your gym are getting 90+ degrees of hip flexion with their treadmill, stairclimber, and elliptical work?  None.  So, we underuse psoas, and overuse rectus - and it shortens up over time.  Take a short muscle through a maximal stretch at high-velocities, and it's going to hate you.  So, what to do?

Well, first, I'd recommend running through some warm-ups from Assess and Correct, and that'll cover a lot of the fundamentals (especially if you go through the assessments to figure out what else is going on).  One important thing that'll cover is activation work for psoas; Kevin Neeld demonstrates one option here:

Second, just add in some targeted static stretching for the rectus femoris a few times a day using this stretch (don't start using it until the "pulled quad" has settled down, though).


Third, and most importantly, ease your way into sprinting.  Not everyone is prepared to just jump right in full-throttle.  I discuss this in further detail in my contribution to the most recent Mythbusters article at T-Nation.  Basically, just get out there twice a week and do some 60-yd build-ups at 80% of your best on a grass field.

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Stuff You Should Read: 5/18/09

It's been a while since I last published one of these guys, and here are a few recommendations: The Don't Squat Recommendation - We've all heard it, but only some of use have questioned it. Inefficiency for Fat Loss - Sometimes, you've just got to get outside your comfort zone. Outliers: The Story of Success - This book got about six recommendations when the panel of presenters at last week's Perform Better Summit were asked what they were reading.  I was one of the six; I'm reading it now and it's fantastic.  And, if you haven't read any of Malcolm Gladwell's other stuff, check out those, too.
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Random Friday Thoughts: 5/15/09

1. It's a fun time of year around Cressey Performance, as all the college guys are starting to roll back in, and the high school baseball playoffs are nearly at hand.  Brian St. Pierre was so excited about it that he tried to high five on of our power racks with his forehead.  He (and his three stitches) will be featured in the next episode of "When Power Racks Attack."


2. After I mentioned last week that Mike Robertson, Bill Hartman, and I had something in the works, I got several emails (and a stand-up question at the end of my talk at Perform Better last weekend) from people wanting to know what we were scheming up.  Suffice it to say that it's a sequel to Magnificent Mobility and Inside-Out, but on a whole new level.  If those DVDs were little league, this is going to be big league stuff, We'll have detailed assessments, progressions, and sport-specific protocols.  I guess you could say that it's somewhat of a "choose your own adventure" book where you can take multiple paths; and, in the case of trainers/strength coaches, you can help your clients/athletes out individually.  And, there will be a nice tag-along manual. We are hoping to get this kid to sing on the soundtrack, but his agent won't call me back.

Anyway, we've got over three years of accumulated "add-ons" from the initial MM DVD, and it's also the first time the three of us have put all our heads together on a project.  Should be very cool - and we are hoping for a mid-summer release date.  If you aren't already subscribed to my newsletter, definitely do so (with the feature over to the right of this page) and we'll make sure you're notified right away.  You can view a sample of this newsletter by checking out the one from earlier this week: Newsletter 154. 3. Mike Reinold has an awesome blog post series going about Anterior Knee Pain. Whether you're a strength coach, personal trainer, physical therapist, garbageman, orthodontist, or lazy wanker who just lives in his parents' basement, I'd highly recommend you check it out at MikeReinold.com. 4. One of the things I love the most about training pitchers is when they go out in the spring - after a winter of training to improve throwing velocity and prevent injury - and start hitting bombs at the plate.  Obviously, it's awesome for their confidence, but just as importantly, it's proof in the pudding that simply enhancing overall athleticism will carry over to just about anything. If a kid only goes from 78 to 88mph on the mound, he tries to attribute it solely to a change in mechanics or lots of rubber tubing drills for his rotator cuff.  However, if he starts hitting 400-foot shots alongside that velocity increase, you know he'll start to appreciate that the extra 20 pounds of meat on his butt, hamstrings, and upper back - and the big strength increases - are all playing a part in that improvement. That's all.  Have a great weekend!

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Lower Back Savers: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we outlined several crucial prerequisites to understanding the nature of lower back pain. In this installment, I've got a few more thoughts in this regard, and then we'll get to work on strategies for preventing these problems in the first place, and working around them once they're in place. You don't need me to tell you that back pain - any chink in your armor, for that matter - will prevent you from making progress in the gym. Continue reading...
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In the Trenches with Eric Cressey

I was the guest on Mike Robertson's newsletter podcast last week.  We discuss shoulder dysfunction in regular lifters and overhead throwers and a whole lot more.  Check it out at the link below: In the Trenches with Eric Cressey
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Strength Training Programs: Front vs. Back Squats

A topic of interest that seems to get thrown around quite a bit nowadays is whether front squats are a "safer" exercise than back squats.  We don't do much back squatting at Cressey Performance, so a lot of people automatically assume that I'm against the idea of back squatting.  This couldn't be further from the truth, as my answer to the question "which is safer?" is a resounding "IT DEPENDS!" At last check, 74% of the Cressey Performance clientele is baseball players.  The majority of these athletes have acquired actual structural changes to their shoulders that make the back squat set-up more of an at-risk position than in non-overhead-throwing athletes.  To make a long story short, in this externally rotated, abducted position of the shoulder girdle, the biceps tendon pulls awkwardly on the superior labrum.  This peel-back mechanism is exacerbated in the presence of a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) and scapular instability - two features extremely common in baseball players.  So, for these folks, the front squat is a much safer alternative.  We also use giant cambered bar and safety squat bar squat and lunge variations. Conversely, take an athlete with either traumatic or chronic acromioclavicular joint problems, and the front squat will really irritate his shoulder because of the bar's position atop the shoulder girdle.  Move this bar to the upper back, and the pain is avoided altogether.  So, for AC joint pain suffers, the back squat is a safer bet. Let's be honest, though; the entire front vs. back squat argument is about lumbar spine health.  So, we'll attack it from that perspective. To kick things off, I've got a little announcement that may surprise you: I haven't back squatted in almost two years, and my back squat form isn't very good. I know what you're thinking: "You're a strength coach, Cressey; you must really suck at what you do if you can't even back squat." Well, I guess that would depend who you ask.  I regularly squat well over 400 pounds with the giant cambered bar. Front squatting isn't a problem, and I can use the safety squat bar, too.

The issue for me with back squats is a bum shoulder from back in my high school tennis days - similar to what I outlined earlier.  Because my shoulder doesn't like the externally rotated, abducted position, the only way I can get under a bar pain-free is to use an ultra-wide grip - which means my scapulae are winged out and my upper back is rounded over.  My shoulder range-of-motion is just fine, but the structural flaws I have (partial thickness tear, bone spurring, and likely labral fraying) means that if I want to back squat pain-free, I have to do so like someone who lacks external rotation. Who lacks external rotation?  Well, just about everyone who sits at a computer all day, and every athlete who has spent too much time bench-pressing.    Combine this with poor scapular stability and a lack of thoracic spine extension, and you realize that a large chunk of the weight-training population simply can't effectively put a bar on the upper back, let alone actually stabilize it. Let's be honest: if you have poor hip and/or ankle mobility, both your front and back squats are going to look pretty ugly.  You'll go into lumbar flexion or come up on your toes to get your range of motion, in most cases.  You'd think that one potentially protective factor would be that in the back squat, the lifter can better utilize the latissimus dorsi  (in a more shortened position) to help stabilize the spine. The main problem with the back squat, in my eyes, is that not everyone has sufficient upper body mobility to position and stabilize the bar properly.  As a result, it can "roll forward" on people - and that's where more of the forward lean problems come about.  More forward lean equates to more shear stress, and an increased risk of going into lumbar flexion under compressive load.  The front squat - even under heavier loads - keeps a lifter more upright, or else he'll simply dump the bar.

So, with all that in mind, while it may be a bit of a bold statement, I'd say that for individuals with excellent whole-body mobility and no upper extremity pain, a back squat is no more dangerous than a front squat. While the extra stabilization contribution from lats may reduce some of this risk, the simple fact that one can move more weight with a back squat probably "cancels out" this advantage in this comparison. All that said, regardless of whether you front or back squat, I'd encourage you to regularly get video of yourself lifting - or find an experienced coach - to give you feedback on your technique.


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The Rule of 112

Today's guest blog comes from Joseph Leff.  It's short and to the point, but I love the message. When I was in graduate school I had a notecard with "112" written on it taped above my desk. If people asked what it meant (and they usually did) I was happy to explain.  112 is simply 16 x 7, or the number of waking hours available for someone sleeping eight hours a night to get done what they need to do. Do you really "not have enough time" or is it you? I'm betting it's you. Or, of course, me as well more than I'd like to admit. Three quick things to think about regarding "112": 1. Get enough sleep. There are 112 hours for you to do what you need to do after sleeping eight hours a night.  If you feel you do best on nine hours of sleep, that still leaves 105 hours. That's a lot of time. There are a very few people who legitimately have a right to be sleep-deprived. Soldiers. New parents. (If you have a new baby and blissfully sleep through the night every night you should be a better husband.) But probably not you. 2. Don't multitask. It's a silly word and a silly idea. By this I don't mean texting, watching Sportscenter, and eating at the same time. That's multirelaxing, not multitasking. It's okay to do, as long as you never use the word multirelaxing. But don't try to set up the refinancing on your condo while you're making a business call. Do each separately and perfectly rather than at the same time and, at best, adequately. Oh, and speaking of multitasking, stop using your phone while you're driving. Keep it up and eventually you're going to hurt somebody. 3. Train. Hard and regularly. You can make decent gains training two hours a week.  If you say you can't do everything else you need to do in the remaining 110 hours I'm going to have my doubts. Training a more-optimal six hours a week leaves you 106 hours. You get the point. That's enough for now. I'm going to make a notecard, put it over my desk, and then start planning the remaining 111 hours and 59 minutes left in the week. Joseph Leff lives and writes in Santa Monica, CA.  He has competed in powerlifting and strongman and trains at the Weight Pit at Venice Beach.  If you've never lifted heavy things outside with a view of the ocean and a cool Pacific breeze blowing, give it a try as soon as you can...
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Deloading on Single-Leg Movements

Q: Due to the multitude of injuries that I have, I very rarely squat, deadlift, or bench (with a straight bar.) However, I still find myself plateauing and feeling burned out.  I was wondering whether the prescriptions in your Art of the Deload e-book would still apply to me. For example, on my heaviest weeks, I'll do 5RM Split Squats/Bulgarians, etc. That is to say, do you still cycle intensity similarly for your injured and rehabbing clients who use "deloading exercises" on a more long-term basis? A: Absolutely.  Training stress is training stress, no matter how you slice it.  In fact, a lot of single-leg exercises - particularly when loaded heavily, as you noted - can beat you up just as much as heavy bilateral movements. Normally, in this case, we'd just deload on volume. So, if you were doing five sets of five lunges on each leg in your highest volume week, we'd go 3x5 in the deload week.  Whether or not we'd drop intensity would depend on your training experience.  If you're using 115-pound dumbbells, yes, we'd drop it.  If you're using 35-pounders, then probably not.

Click here to purchase Art of the Deload.


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Random Friday Thoughts: 5/8/09

1. It's going to be a quick one this week, as I'm doing some last minute preparations for this weekend's Perform Better Summit in Providence, RI.  To all the poor abandoned souls who count on my blog for companionship each Friday, I apologize for not giving our relationship the tender romance it deserves this week. 2. Congratulations to Cressey Performance athlete and Auburn High pitcher Tyler Beede, who threw a no-hitter on Wednesday.  Tyler struck out 15 in his complete game performance. 3. I contributed on the fourth installment of Mythbusters at T-Nation this week.  It also includes contributions from Chad Waterbury, Tony Gentilcore, and Christian Thibaudeau.  Noticeably absent from this esteemed crew of contributors is Mr. Celery - so I thought I'd give him some love.

4. For the foam rolling aficionados in the crowd, here's a great variation to use for those hard-to-reach grundle adductor region.  Thanks to Tony Gentilcore for the video:

This is a really important one for those of you in the crowd with a history of groin strains and sports hernias.  Hockey players, soccer players, and powerlifters should commit this one to memory.

5. It's official: Mike Robertson, Bill Hartman, and I are filming a new DVD on June 7th.  Lots to prepare before then!

Have a great weekend!

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Feedback on the Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual

I received this email earlier this week from a very satisfied customer of The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual: "Hi Eric, I just thought I'd let you know of my progress after completing the first two months training from your offseason manual. At the same time I started, I also purchased Precision Nutrition and implemented a much improved eating plan to see me add strength and lose bodyfat whilst maintaining lean mass ready for the onset of the soccer pre-season at the start of July. So, after two months of Precision Nutrition eating and off-season training, in terms of measurements I have: - lost 14lbs in weight - lost 2 inches off my waist - lost 3 1/4 inches off my hips - lost 1 inch off my neck - gained 1/2 inch on my shoulders - maintained the same arm measurement with no direct arm training and in the gym I have: - added roughly 45lbs to my bench and squat - 3RM chin of BW+45lbs - 'straightened out' my previous anterior pelvic tilt - improved my hamstring and adductor flexibility In the eight weeks this took, I have eaten seven meals a day without fail that have with no exceptions adhered to the 10 habits of PN (allowing a slice of cake for desert once a week!). I have been in the gym everyday at 6am (bar Saturdays, my off-day), with Mondays and Wednesdays being my regeneration days, which I view as just as important as my four resistance days. I can't wait for soccer preseason to start in July and see hopefully my hard work payoff (literally ££!!). Thanks for providing the great resources to put me on the track to progression, Andy Powell United Kingdom"

Click Here to Check Out The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual for Yourself!


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